Gutter Cleaning in Sinammon Park, QLD | Pressure Up House Washing Services

Gutter Cleaning in Sinammon Park, QLD

Gutter Cleaning in Sinammon Park, QLD

We received a customer who had urgent requests for a gutter clean. They were experiencing blockages in their downpipes and overflow of water during heavy rainfall. As we have vast experience in gutter cleaning, we were confident that we could fix the overflow and blockages, as well as diagnose any other issues that may arise. We arrived there and our precomposed speculations were correct. There were heavy amounts of dirt and build-up of leaves. We started working and we decided that the job should be completed manually. After an hour of disposing of all the contents the gutters had, we rinsed all the gutters out to check if leakages or blockages still occurred, which they did not.

Budget: $350

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Products Used

Ladder, Downpipe Un-blocker, Gloves, Garbage Bags
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